Ohio truckers may be getting a break on tough inspections. Century Finance wants our over the rode carriers from the State of Ohio to know that Ohio’s truck inspections could improve. This is a fact that recent trends are showing for Ohio truckers. Ohio has ranked below the national average on overall inspections. On the other hand the state of Ohio makes up for that by being tough during those inspections. Century Finance , your freight bill factoring service, wants all our Ohio clients to know that your state ranks 11th in the nation for violations per inspection. But good news for Ohio Truckers if recent trends continue in the last two years inspection numbers have fallen. Ohio truckers make sure your lights and brakes are working, and your tires are good. Drive the speed limits and most definitely watch those hours of service. Century Finance, your freight bill factoring company wants you safe, sound and secure as you travel the highways of America. Please visit us at www.centuryfinance.com